


We are dealing with our topics in a practical and scientific way. Here you can find an overview of our books, scientific studies and articles in professional journals (all in German language).


Cultural Change

This well-illustrated book offers you valuable insights and tools for the four iterative phases of cultural change. It serves as a reference and shows you how large-scale change happens through viral change.

It offers valuable insights and combines important findings from applied psychology, case studies and practical instructions for action with insights from behavioral economics and neuroscience. 

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Culture change in organizations
Hehn, S. von; Cornelissen, N. I.; Braun, C. (2021).Revised and expanded 2nd edition.
Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

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“(…) I think this book will make an important contribution towards implementing change projects in private as well as public organisations more professionally and successfully.”

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hammerschmid, Professor of Public and Financial Management, Hertie School of Governance in Berlin


Veränderungsstau im Öffentlichen Sektor?

von Hehn, S. & Kübart, A. (2022). wissensmanagement, 2022/7

Full article as PDF

When it comes to key issues of the future such as digitization and climate change, the public sector is challenged as rarely before. (...) In practice, however, the public sector lags far behind the private sector. Change here seems to be progressing only slowly. (...) The perspective of behavioral economics, on the other hand, opens up a different perspective - it focuses on the significance of the framework conditions and derives pragmatic and proven measures.” (translated from German)


1. Studies


Together with Professor of Business Psychology Hannah Möltner, a renowned expert in the field of mindfulness, we conducted a study on mindfulness with over 300 participants in an international tech company in 2020. The study evaluated the impact of mindfulness in general and our mindfulness program MOMENTUM in particular. You can find more information about the study here.

2. Literature

Achtsamkeit und emotionale Intelligenz in Organisationen / Mindfulness and emotional intelligence in organizations
Agile working in teams and organizational culture of the future

v. Hehn, S. & Rauls, J. (2023). Freiburg: Haufe.

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About the book
External change requires internal transformation
To go through life emotionally intelligent and mindful means an added value for ourselves and our environment. This book supports you with practical and easy-to-implement tips. Whether you are in training or about to retire, whether you are a team member or a leader - you will benefit from a richly filled toolbox to establish, further cultivate or increase Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness on the three levels (individual, team and organizational culture).

Shaping the Organizational Culture of the Future with Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence

v. Hehn, S. & Rauls, J. (2023). Frankly - The Fulbright Alumni e.V. Magazine, Issue 2023

Article as PDF

Due to its proven stress-reducing effects, mindfulness is sometimes misunderstood as a form of "optimization tool" within performance-driven society. However, it's more sustainable to consider individuals systemically within hte or ganization and establish mindfulness and emotional intelligence folowing aholistic approach, both within teams and the culture. This approach has a range of positive effects, as demonstrated by scientific studies.?”


Achtsamkeit in Beruf und Alltag / Mindfulness at work and daily life
von Hehn, S.; von Hehn, A. (2015). Freiburg: Haufe.

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“Inspiring contribution to the topic of mindfulness (…).”

“(…) Absolutely recommendable.”

“(…) Important assistant (…) when finding effective ways towards better leadership, inner strength and more happiness.”

Customer Reviews on Amazon


Kann man Achtsamkeit messen? / Can mindfulness be measured?
Braun, C. Hölzl B. in moment by moment (3/2017)

PDF Download of the article – with friendly permission of the editors


Talent Management

1. Studies


Talent Management – wo stehen deutsche Top-Kanzleien heute? / Where do German top ranked law firms stand?
13 human resources specialists and 5 partners from a total of 14 top ranked law firms participated in the survey that consisted of questionnaires and interviews. The method is based on our study in cooperation with the Fresenius University in Cologne, Germany. 
The survey is repeated at irregular intervals. We will be pleased to send you the results of September 2017. Please email to:


We have conducted two studies in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Stulle and Fresenius University on Talent Management in 2012/13: “Talent Management in practice” (with focus on IT support of HR) and “Talent Management Profiler” (detailed information on strategy, culture and processes). The results are based on numerous replies of DAX-companies and large corporations. We would be happy to send you the results, if you are interested. Please contact

2. Literature


Systematisches Talent Management / Systematic talent management
von Hehn, S. (2016). 2nd revised edition, Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel

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“(…) The book gives an answer to the entrepreneurial challenges of our time. Every leader who wants to promote talents and develop and shape corporate culture should consult it.”

Prof. Reinhard Pöllath, Chair of Supevisory Board, Beiersdorf AG, and founding partner at P+P Pöllath + Partners law office


Eine gute Strategie kennt keine schlechten Zeiten: Warum Talentmanagement gerade in der Krise wichtig ist. / A good strategy doesn't know bad times: Why talent management is especially important in times of crisis.
Heidegger, H., Komm, A., von Hehn, S. (2010). In: K. Schwuchow (Ed.), Köln: Luchterhand


So funktioniert Führungskräfteentwicklung / How executive development works
Komm, A., Putzer, L., Cornelissen, N. (2007). Harvard Business Manager, June 2007
Link to this article


Positionierung der Personalarbeit: Die Stunde der Strategen / Positioning of human resources work: The hour of the strategists
Heidegger, H., Komm, A., Cornelissen, N. (2010). Personalwirtschaft, November 2010


Article on Talent Management
In cooperation with Fresenius University in Cologne, published in the magazine “Personalwirtschaft”, July 2014
PDF download


Book contribution on Transformative Learning
Nils I. Cornelissen in “A Transformative Edge. Knowledge, Inspiration and Experiences for Educators of Adults.” A compendium for adult educators, with over 40 contributors experienced in Transformative Learning, August 2020
PDF download




Mit Mindful Leadership den eigenen Geist trainieren / Training your mind with Mindful Leadership

Oloko, S.; von Hehn, S. (2023). In: WIRTSCHAFTSPSYCHOLOGIE aktuell, Issue 2 / 2023 (pp. 20-25).

To the article (in German)

"Mindfulness works, as research and practice prove. However, this technique is not a panacea, even if the hype around it sometimes raises great expectations. Mindful Leadership, on the other hand, offers a serious approach to systematically train a mindful attitude. Leaders find clarity, connection and composure. And they learn that it takes self-reflection to lead themselves and others."


Psychologie für den Beruf / Psychology for the job
Von der Linde, B.; von Hehn, S. (2009). Freiburg: Haufe
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Persönlichkeitstestung und automatisierte Beratung im Internet / Personality testing and automated consulting on the Internet
Montel, C., Debo, S.; von Hehn, S. (2005). In: Karl-Heinz Renner, Astrid Schütz, Astrid & Franz Machilek (Hrsg.), Internet und Persönlichkeit (S. 284-297). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

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