
Our Portfolio

We support our clients holistically in four areas to combine meaning and business: cultural change, leadership, mindfulness and talent management.


Cultural change

It’s mainly people making change happen. We support this change.


Good leadership requires skills, reflection and self-management.


Mindfulness describes a way of being present and clear in the given moment. Scientifically grounded and with focus on sustainability.

Talent Management

To us, good talent management, i.e. the systematic development of all employees’ talents, begins with the business strategy.


Cultural change

It’s mainly people making change happen; we support this change, for example, via ...

  • Workshops for the strategic alignment of leadership teams

  • Diagnosis of the organizational culture and design of a meaningful change management

  • Supporting comprehensive transformation programs over several months (for example, introduction of agile working methods in teams)

Workshops for the strategic alignment of leadership teams

The impact of the behavior and appearance of leaders/ managersis often underestimated. To ensure meaningful work, a consistent direction of the organization and the feeling of acting in concert are essential - both start with the executives. We support leadership teams identifying their shared values and priorities in a dialogue. Based on this, we support them setting up a charter for both, internal collaboration as well as their desired impact on the organization. In doing so, we rely on proven tools like focus interviews, personality diagnostics and team assessment instruments such as the MBTI.

Diagnosis of the organizational culture and design of a meaningful change management

For many of our clients, the biggest challenge when it comes to culture is that it is difficult to grasp. We support them with different approaches to understand the company's current culture and where possible also making it measurable, e.g., with diagnostic questionnaires or focus group formats. In doing so, we use existing structures and the organization's knowledge. The first intervention is involving the employees – accompanied by corresponding broad-based communication. Based on the diagnosis, we jointly define clear FROM-TOs (comparison of current vs. target behaviors and mindsets) with our clients. Core principle of our work is the involvement of all relevant stakeholder groups. We also apply this when defining clear actions for the change roadmap. These actions for example include a personalized change story that is cascaded through the organization or the definition of symbolic actions taken by the top management team.

Supporting comprehensive transformation programs over several months

Change takes time – we accommodate this fact through programs in which we accompany our clients selectively over longer periods of time. On the one hand, we support them in the strategic elaboration and architecture of the transformation program, for example, for the introduction of agile working methods in teams. On the other, we support them in the operational implementation, for example, with change-workshops, which involve the employees, promote understanding, and help establishing a new culture. It is our aim to enable our clients to independently drive the change and to scale the jointly tested pilots. Therefore, we often train so-called change agents, who in turn implement the change in the organization.

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Mindfulness describes a way of being present and clear in the given moment. Scientifically grounded and with focus on sustainability we support our clients in the cultivation of mindfulness through …

  • Leadership trainings to increase emotional intelligence and focus 

  • Programs for an appreciative and caring culture and more effective (collaborative) work

  • Formats for increasing resilience and health

Leadership trainings to increase emotional intelligence and focus

The meaning of emotional intelligence for successful leadership is being recognized in organizations as well as supported by relevant studies. Emotional intelligence – to put it simply the ability to handle one’s own emotions as well as those of others appropriately – can be trained with mindfulness. We develop programs for our clients based on mindfulness that include up-to-date research results from neurosciences, (positive) psychology and behavioral psychology. To this we add knowledge our consultants gained in their own education (“Search Insight Yourself”, Google’s mindfulness program; MBSR, one of the best explored mindfulness programs). As mindfulness is being cultivated with time, we use different techniques such as our app Momentum, peer groups, mentors and 1:1 coaching in order to optimally guide the participants. Information on our publication Achtsamkeit in Beruf und Alltag“ as well as on current dates for open trainings in our Academy.


Programs for an appreciative and caring culture, more effective (collaborative) work and deepening of an agile mindset

Mindfulness techniques lead to a more aware contact with one another, as well as compassion via which we involve others more in our thinking. In this way we also reflect on our actions in larger contexts. Friction at work often develops because we aren’t fully involved in things or only superficially listen to our counterparts. Mindfulness enables us to fully and clearly experience that one single moment we have in order to act: the here and now. In our mindfulness program, our clients learn methods to conduct their work more mindfully and thereby create more room for finding solutions and for themselves on the on hand. On the other hand they experience the positive effects of appreciative and mindful communication, e.g., also with regard to meetings and emails.

Formats for increasing resilience and health

Especially mindfulness’s effects on handling stress and on physical as well as psychological health could be shown in numerous scientific studies (see list of research at The cultivation of mindfulness supports us in handling stress better, activating inner resources and resettling to our balance more swiftly. We offer classic MBSR (mindfulness based stress reduction) -courses during 8 weeks in organizations, as well as formats with shorter course units and compact courses that are tailored to specific work contexts. Talks on stress reduction through mindfulness in the context of health days or topic ranges are also part of the support we offer our clients to inform on mindfulness and incite interest.


With Momentum, we have developed a unique 6-week program of mindfulness training, live online training and an app that enables sustainable behavioral change on an individual level, but also on team and organizational level. Learn more

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Good leadership requires skills, reflection and self-management; we support managers contemporarily in their development, for example by …

  • Meaningful training and development (around "lead self", "lead others", "lead change" and "lead business")

  • Executive coaching (1:1 sessions)

  • Top team support (including shadowing)

Meaningful training and development measures

The development of employees, especially managers, is essential to the development of the organization. We have a broad portfolio of tested training and development modules, management and manager programs that permit experience-based learning. To us, it is the sustainable change in attitude and behavior, not just the transfer of knowledge that counts. While we can rely on years of experience with these modules, we adapt them to the situation of each client.

  • Lead yourself: We have extensive experience on the topic of personal development of leaders. This includes aspects such as self-awareness and self-reflection, personal definition of values and visions, stress reduction, and mindfulness.

  • Lead others: We provide various trainings for clients in different industries, for example on communication, agile mindset, coaching, mentoring and motivation including identification of strengths.

  • Lead change: We offer trainings on how to actively engage people during changes in the team or company and how to shape the cultural side of the change. Directly applied to the individual change cases of the participants.

  • Lead business: Trainings on problem solving skills, consultant skills and agile working methods are part of the portfolio here, among others.

  • Field & Forum approach: In order to increase the relevance, we link current work packages of the participants in a practical way (Field) with workshop elements (Forum) in many trainings.

  • Train-the-trainer experience: We have extensive experience with train-the-trainer models.

Management coaching

We support our clients – often together with change programs – through personal coaching of their managers. While doing this, we are by their sides during organizational as well as personal transformation. There are various modules such as the top team alignment program with group coaching and 1:1 coaching to accompany this.

Top team support (including shadowing)

We support top teams with tailored measures to help them reach their full potential. This includes for example:

  • Shadowing on the culture of collaboration, to be an inspiring leader

  • Strategic alignment to catalyze transformation

  • Changing mindsets and behaviors to match the business strategy.

To ensure sustainable change, we accompany top teams ideally over a period of several months and dovetail the measures with already existing processes and meetings / workshops.

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Talent Management

To us, good talent management, i.e. the systematic development of all employees’ talents, begins with the business strategy. We support our clients in...

  • The development of a human resource strategy based on values

  • The improvement of talent and performance management processes

  • The design and implementation of a respective development and leadership culture

Development of a human resource strategy based on values (including benchmarking of the talent management’s effectivity)

In order to create the greatest possible added value for the organization and for each individual employee, a systematic approach to talent management is required.We support our clients in translating their business strategy into a concrete quantifiable workforce planning for the next few years including a clear roadmap to achieve these goals. At the same time, the development of an effective HR strategy translates into vitalizing the values of an organization for us. That means for instance, to ensure a common understanding of desirable behaviors and to anchor them in the organization with appropriate measures. Our proprietary benchmarking data for HR effectiveness further enables our clients to understand how effective their current HR processes are. That way, a new HR strategy can be tailored fact-based to the organization’s requirements. 

Improvement of talent and performance management processes (along the talent-life-cycle)

Talent and performance management are not only essential tools for implementing the HR strategy, but also a very important lever to promote meaning at work: e.g. through feedback and appreciation, challenging but attainable goals, personal and professional development. We support our clients focusing on the areas that we agree have the greatest potential for improvement.
For example with recruitment via an employer marketing strategy, structured assessments, as well as successful on-boarding processes. Other examples include the development of performance management, in order for it to consider business and financial goals, as well as behavior. It should also take into account the life long career and potential development paths of employees, as well as the more short term annual perspective. For this we offer our clients a pragmatic talent management toolkit which allows adapting these processes easily to the organization’s needs.

Design and implementation of a respective development and leadership culture (see culture)

Talent and performance management is always also about a culture based on values. This includes that talent and performance management are to be found on the top management agenda and that managers view instruments such as coaching, employee development and recruitment as part of their original task. At the same time, HR should be accepted and appreciated as an implementation aid in the organization. We support our clients by co-creating and co-implementing respective measures.

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