Does it really help?
Scientific research on it
Everyone knows that sports and exercise promote health. Now, pioneers from the USA are showing that mindfulness and mindful leadership can also provide valuable support for health. Large companies such as SAP, Bosch and BASF have already recognized this and actively practice mindfulness in everyday business.
We believe:
Mindfulness will be as normal tomorrow as sport is today.
Scientific research has been able to show numerous positive effects of mindfulness, including for example:
More helpful handling of crisis situations, better stress management and resilience
Better concentration skills and creative and solution-oriented thinking
Increased collaboration and teamwork skills
Improved self-management, emotional intelligence and leadership skills
Strengthened immune system and other positive health effects
Our participants also report noticeable improvements in our own evaluation. These include:
Improved ability to pause first before reacting.
Increased attention span
Increased sense of well-being
More calmness in the face of professional difficulties and confidence in one's own abilities
Increased acceptance of one's own thoughts and feelings