New run of the online trainer training Training Mindfulness in Organizations with Claudia Braun as lecturer


In order to be able to adequately meet the growing challenges of our private and professional everyday life, we need effective counterpoles: pausing, deceleration, mindfulness and stillness. And we need people for whom mindfulness is a natural foundation of their lives and who are also capable of cultivating mindfulness in organizations.

On March 3, 2023, the second online trainer training Training Mindfulness in Organizations will start under the leadership of Rüdiger Standhardt and his team of lecturers with Barbara Boy, Dr. Britta Hölzel, Dr. Kai Romhardt, Claudia Braun and Dr. Ulrich Ott. Through this training, people experience the power of stillness and are liberated to action in the face of the challenges of the uncertain and complex world of work and the destruction of our planet.

There will be a free TAO information session via Zoom on Monday, December 19, 2022, at 8pm. A brief registration for the information session via email ( is requested. Zoom access information will be provided in an email shortly before the information session.