Svea von Hehn in the podcast "Paul am Puls" about emotional intelligence in business
"Outer change requires inner transformation.
Prof. Stephan Paul and our founder, Dr. Svea von Hehn, shed light on emotional intelligence in business in the renowned podcast "Paul am Puls - Dialoge zur Transformation der Wirtschaft in Paul am Puls":
Does clarity and objectivity prevail in the company? Or rather connectedness and empathy - and can this be experienced beyond foosball and teambuilding events? Both - clarity and connectedness - form emotional intelligence.
What can be done in the work context to strengthen connectedness and why? How can you create clarity through feedback, for example. Learn why this is fundamental for companies not only today, but also in the future. Also about the importance of authenticity and the courage to deal with your own emotions.
Curious? Listen in now for an inspiring discussion. (in German)